Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's 29 February 2012!

As known or called as leap year that comes every four years which gives February an extra day of 29 days instead of the usual 28 days. People who are born in leap year are unique for having birthdays not every year but every four years. It's either unique or so uncool I guess. They won't get birthday prezzie and celebration every year then.

I wonder how many babies are born today?

As for me, it's not a really good day today. Off to office after 2 days break, trying to gain energy after 6 days away from home and working like there's no tomorrow. Today is also the last day for a friend of mine who are moving to Putrajaya starting tomorrow, someone who I grew to be so comfortable with after 6 months. It's not that easy to find that someone and now she's going away...sob...sob...sob....

The office is totally hot with no aircond at all and to top it off, there's also no water. It's so killing for someone who consume lotsa water and need to go to the bathroom every now and then...

Praying that days will be much brighter even without my best friend around starting tomorrow...huhuhuuuuu

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