Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Missing His Beloved Sofa....

Came home today to a gloomy Kiko. He kept meowwing something which he rarely did unless something is wrong such as just got home from cat sitter's house after few days being apart from mummy and daddy.

Today he did it again. He usually does that if he wants new biscuit but today even food doesn't shut him down.

After quite some time I realize maybe it's because of the sofa that we have thrown away today.

Kiko's final bonding with his sofa last night...he seems to understand that we wanna let it go, keep holding to it with such a sad face T____T

The sofa which has become his fav spot where he would rest & climb to every time he wanna mummy to massage him. Plus, it has become his scratching spot. Poor little one...mummy doesn't know it would effect him so much. Like a baby who lost their bantal busuk. Am so sorry dear. Mum and dad thought it was time for us to let it go since it has holes and koyak rabak like a bantal pecah due to your daily scratches. It looks so bad. If we've known that how much you love it, we would not have thrown it away. But it do helps save our tiny home space.

Mum will try to find u another scratching post okay. Til' then, do hold on to mummy. Mummy will always be there for you. Please stop mourning, dear. I can't stand your meowwing since I know it's a sign of u feeling not so comfy...

And now mummy is extra emo...

That's what mum are...

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