Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5S Day...

Finally after months of battling, the day has come. This is my first experience with 5S over 9 years in service and 3 different offices. It's very much annoying I must say and burdening. Yep, it's good to have a clean, clear, organized working environment but when you have so many things to do in your hand at one time, this kinda of thing turns out really annoying and stressful. Everything need to be tagged, organized, no habuk, not many items should be on the table....urghhh!

Very much like a hypocrite...

Enjoy and get the 5S feel!!!


Menyisih dan membuang barang yang tidak perlu di tempat kerja.


Menyusun dan menyimpan barang dengan kemas mudah diambil

dan disimpan semula ditempatnya.


Mencuci tempat kerja dengan rapi supaya tiada habuk, kotoran dilantai

dan mesin peralatan.


Seragam dan memelihara kebersihan dan penyusunan sepanjang masa serta mengamalkan

sistem SEIRI-SEITON-SEISO dengna efektif.


Berdisiplin dan melatih pekerja mematuhi peraturan dan berbudaya kualiti

di tempat kerja.

Got to do what you got to do....

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