Friday, March 7, 2014

5S All Over Again...

Yup a new year so another 5S inspection all over again. Sacrificing my long lunch hour today for this. How I regretted to keep on bercuti last Friday. How I wish I just came to the office clearing all the mess for 5S despite not sleeping at all that night from HK. They did the gotong-royong last Friday while me on long vacation holiday. So this week is quite a mess la for me. Report - 5S - kursus bla...bla...bla...Work never ends. Time per day is never enough aiyoooo. Not only it's not gonna ends, there's two or three at the same time.

And last Wednesday I took another day off due to fever making it only what, 2 days to settle all the things at the same time. Stress woooo!

Work is like that lorrrr.

Just be strong.

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