Yep it's 31st! The only day that BR give 31% discount for its ice-creams! Can't resist of course eventhough we just finished the half gallon stock of 2 months ago last weekend ^_^ (purposely finished it to buy a new one @_@)
Went to Publika to grab but find out that there were not so many choice around. End up choosing so many chocolate flavored, being a choc lover so no color variety like before. We're gonna die of chocolate ^_^
Since daddy doesn't approved choc mint in the half gallon pack, I bought some juz to taste it. It was not that bad least it's not too chocolatey....
Next time maybe...
Need to think what we should choose beforehand or else we'll be lost on the spot of too much ice-creams...
Ohhh the discount of half gallon...from RM88 to RM60 before tax...a saving of approximately RM28...