At last! Transformers has come to town (the movie of course ^_^)
This new sequel starts with Sam Witwicky who has graduated from college and having difficulties in finding job even though he has twice save mankind from Decepticons and getting a medal from the US President, Barrack Obama...while the Autobots are still busy working with the US government in finding and destroying Decepticons that are still in hiding...
However, their peaceful routine life starts tumbling down after Optimus Prime make a mission to the moon and rescue their ex Autobots leader named Sentinel who have been stranded there since the war that vanished their planet, Cybertron.
The Decepticons planned to conquer earth in order to make earth the replacement for Cybertron and make all humans their slaves...

This new sequel runs for 2 and a half hours...yes totally a longgggg one...being long, some scene especially the earlier one were quite boring but once they start transforming...of course no more bored but feels like going to had heart attack, sreaming your lungs out watching all the actions and suspense...what else can you expect from a Michael Bay film, right? What touched me the most was how Optimus Prime fought very hard to protect the humans and earth barely with only one hands...
There were touching, sad, happy, funny, frustating moments all combined in this movie...
Taking the quote from Optimus Prime....YOU MAY LOSE YOUR FAITH IN US, BUT NEVER IN YOURSELF!
And yes, it is a must-watch movie of the year!
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