It's usual Saturday morning meant for spring cleaning. Mummy decided to go through to my old Harmoni mag collection and put them in a box due to no more space on our small rack.
I have been interested in Harmoni ever since I looked at their interesting cover and read my big bos copy on Norjuma, the TV3 presenter who married our current Prime Minister's little brother back in 2005. That issue were sold out fast and I miss that one for collection.
My first issue of Harmoni was in 2005 where the cover was the newly wed Aidid Marcelo and Norzie who's both also TV3 presenter. Back then I only chose to buy certain issue which were interesting to me but now I bought them every single, twice a month and it would be really awkward if I miss one issue!
What I like the most with this mag is that it covers a wide range of issue and is suitable for both gender, be it man or woman. It guides us through life by having articles on woman, man, family and also how to solve problems with kids such as guides on how to attract your kid to eat veggie, how to handle if they were sick, how to avoid their fear and so on. It also have traditional tips such on how to reduce dandruff, pimples, how to whitened your old cup and so on and also recipes and the latest news about our local celebrities. See, it's all packed in one mag with affordable price of RM4.50 only!
My precious collection...it was nice to see how this mag grow, upgrading and becoming more interesting year by year...and I'll always be their loyal reader.
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