Saturday, September 28, 2013

JJCM : Nasi Kukus Ilham

After some small argument whether to go out or not, here we are nearby Ikea area stuffing a super duper spicy nasi kukus. Daddy said it was a friend of his friend's restaurant.

Wrapped in a simple paper, ready to be eaten.

The restaurant is opposite Surau Mutiara Damansara. A really simple restaurant concept. Layan diri. Need to queue up to get the food which took quite some time waiting for the chicken to masak. Might lose your patient if your are in starving mode.

Despite all that, it was worth the wait. It do taste so good but be careful with it's sambal which is extremely hot. My tongue and fingers were sore esp. without any water to kill e spice.

Suffering but finger lickin' good!

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